Singles Wards, Dating Culture, and Other Dreaded Topics

I love love. It is the most special and sacred thing to experience love in all of its capacities. I also love young single adult wards!* There is always something happening, and it's such a fun culture...for the most part. Here's something I don't totally love: YSA dating culture. *in our church, we have specific groups of single 18-31 year olds that meet To be fair, I get it. I get the way things are done. I get that first dates (usually) don't mean anything, three dates is pretty serious, and how you hug your date goodnight gets read into WAY too much. I get that people go on 4 dates in one week with all different people. I get that things are fast paced, and if people get engaged two weeks after meeting, hey, no judgment. Actually, this part of the dating culture is honestly pretty fun to me! However, what I don't get is the vicious shark-tank-like environment that people create while dating in a singles ward. I've only recently jumped back into the si...