The Common Identity Crisis

"Jamie, don't take this the wrong way, but what are you ..?" This is a very vague question, but I have been asked it so many times that I know what they're referring to. "I am half Korean, and half Caucasian." "OH! I can totally see the Asian in you now! That makes sense." End scene. This type of conversation has always made me feel relatively awkward, but I could never really pinpoint why. I mean, these people who ask these things are doing so with harmless intent. However, in recent times I have been able to understand how detrimental this type of conversation is to people. Let's break this conversation down, piece by piece. First, I am told to not take offense to whatever is about to be said. This puts me in the mindset that something potentially offensive is about to be said. Second, the question "what are you?" is asked. A thousand retaliating questions pop to my mind, but particularly, "Why do you care so much...